FileMaker – Indirectly Add a Record
Indirectly Add a Record I recently inherited a database for a local New Mexico college in Santa Fe, something I always enjoy. I like to learn, and I try to learn at least one new thing a day (that’s the absolute minimum, actually). This database taught me something I had not seen in all my […]
Joshua Willing: Cool trick. It's simple to understand with the analogy of a portal. When you set a field in the last…
Don Clark: Thanks, Joshua! I like the fact that it does not commit the records. That will be very helpful with invoicing…
Joshua Willing: Here's an augmented example that uses the same idea but allows you to create and edit records through the relationship:…
Don Clark: Again, thanks!
Tom Langton: NightWing's (Ray Cologon) Duplicate Hierarchy example has a similar thing - using SetFieldByName and an Evaluate function. There is no…
Don Clark: Thanks,Tom! Check out Joshua and John's answers for the secret to the magic..
John Wenmeekers: Don, this technique goes back to FileMaker 3.0 an 4.0. It's a nuance how records are created through relationships. A…
Don Clark: Thank you, John! I have been using FM since 1989 and had never heard of this trick. I will be…
Jonathan Fletcher: This is generally the technique referred to as “magic key.”
Don Clark: Indeed.