FileMaker and Zoom API, Part 2
How Connecting FileMaker and Zoom API Worked Out In January, I posted about connecting FileMaker and Zoom – a fairly detailed view of the process necessary in a fairly long post. What I didn’t do was show you how it all works with in the (almost) final product for my client. The app is server […]
Denis: Couldn't you just make the parent 5 sheets wide rather than with an two on top of each other?
Don Clark: We have several layouts with multiples already developed and did not discover the problem until later. Is an issue now,…
J Willing: So you want to scroll a portal that is underneath another slide panel? Why would the top panel not always…
J Willing: I just tested and by putting the portal on top of the inner panel, it scrolls fine. But It looks…
Don Clark: It turns out to be a real bug: Thank you for your posts and movie file. I am able to…
Joshua Willing: Nice find!
Don Clark: See my reply in your previous post - hopefully this will be patched soon.