Filemaker Success Tips : 282_FM_Success_Tips
ANOTHER GREAT AUDIO from FileMaker Success Tips. 282_FM_Success_Tips Big Imports, Flashterm, Managing new field names Filemaker Success Tips : 282_FM_Success_Tips
ANOTHER GREAT AUDIO from FileMaker Success Tips. 282_FM_Success_Tips Big Imports, Flashterm, Managing new field names Filemaker Success Tips : 282_FM_Success_Tips
VERY NICE WAY to write server log details to file, including a workaround to a bug that causes improper shutdown of the log service. It turns out that when the Log client statistics…. check box is checked, this data is logged to (on Mac OS) /Library/FileMaker Server/Logs/ClientStats.log. But only when this check box is ticked […]
YET ANOTHER handy custom function. Correctly format any UK telephone number Sample Input: UKPhoneMask ( 01234567890 )UKPhoneMask ( 01134960018 )UKPhoneMask ( 02079460018 ) Sample Output: 01234 567890113 496 0018020 7946 0018
FILEMAKER IS PUSHING SECURITY pretty heavily – there is an upcoming seminar on February 11th, as well as a new downloadable pdf. Data protection is a priority for businesses of all sizes. In 2012, the Wall Street Journal cited this alarming statistic, “Firms with 11 to 100 employees are attacked more than ten times as […]
A HANDY PLACE to find all the manuals and documentation from FM 10 to 13, as well as Bento.
I’VE TRIED THIS BEFORE and it does not work… Is this story familiar to you? A business person who is successful in their field but starting to get bogged down in the day to day running of their business. In particular, administration and bookkeeping are starting to grind and take the shine out of their […]
GETTING YOUR HEAD around the whole script trigger concept is quite challenging. Mislav Kos developed a visual that ties it all together: There are quite a few nuances in how FileMaker script triggers function. Two of the more straightforward ones are the sequence that script triggers evaluate in (e.g. OnObjectKeystroke fires before OnLayoutKeystroke) and the […]
I MADE LUNCHES for my son and daughter during their high school years. This guy took it up a level. When Callaghan first started putting together his daughter’s lunches, he wanted to do a little something extra for her. So each day, he would write a special note on a napkin and leave it in […]
AMAZING what a person can do with FileMaker and the desire to improve their business. When dentist Frank Dolan looked around for a computerised alternative to paper, none of the products on offer seemed to fit the bill. So, way back in 1996, despite having absolutely no IT training or software experience, Frank simply picked […]
NINETY MINUTES LONG. Watch the beginning of the Mac era… The Boston demonstration came one week after the Mac’s more well-known unveiling to a group of Apple investors at Cupertino’s Flint Center and mirrors the content of the earlier presentation, though with a more polished feel. Boston-area videographer Glenn Koenig preserved and digitized the footage, […]
MAKING OBJECTS INVISIBLE in FileMaker 13 – the pros and cons: Using the hidden object attribute not only works on text and tab control panels, but also other objects like portals and fields. These become completely invisible when the condition is true. A few things to consider: For tab panels this is an all-or-none deal […]
WATCH ANY TV PROGRAM anywhere in the world, evade government surveillance, stop location tracking, help prevent hacking – what’s not to like? Meanwhile, Internet users in other countries are utilizing Hola to access Web applications that are not yet available in their regions at all, such as Hulu, Spotify, and Pandora. And employees of companies […]
PRODUCTIVE COMPUTING is hosting FM 13 and Webdirect (and earlier versions, as well). Published on Jan 24, 2014 What makes more sense than to have certified FileMaker Pro experts providing FileMaker Pro hosting? Productive Computing, Inc. (PCI) is dedicated to personally walking each customer through their hosting setup process so that it is easy and […]
It’s worth a look. Why do some people have money, while some others struggle to make enough for a living during their entire life? Why are there wealthy and poor people, and why some people will never get rich? Although there are not easy answers to these questions, there are some major differencies between the […]