Upload photos from FileMaker Go | FileMakerBloggen

THINK ABOUT IT: Upload files from FileMaker Go to a website with the touch of a button.  With security. And only a bit of canned php.

Using two new FileMaker 13 features–Base64Encode and Insert From URL, Rolf, from FileMakerBloggen.se, has given his clients the ability to quickly and easily upload photos directly from FileMaker Go.

The other day I showed my teenage daughter a FileMaker Go app I did a few months ago. The app uploads photos from FileMaker Go to a web site and I think it is rather useful. My daughter dismissed me with: “come on dad, there are hundreds of apps doing the same thing!”. She is of course right, but uploading from FileMaker is actually invaluable!

I have implemented the upload process in a couple of cases already and it has turned out to be very valuable to our customers. Imagine you have a FileMaker Go app with work orders and the customer wants to view photos, it could be photos before and after you did your work, daily updates from a construction site, etc. Take a photo, connect it to a customer and upload it from FileMaker Go couldn’t be easier.

For a simple solution you need a container field for the photo, the new function Base64Encodeto transform the photo to a string, and the Insert from URL script step to make the upload.

On the server you need a web page which receives and saves the photo on the web server. You also need a web page where the customer logs in and view the photos.

I can see this being a pretty handy feature in many circumstances.  Read the whole thing.

More…Upload photos from FileMaker Go | FileMakerBloggen.

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