SeedCode’s NEXT – a Web Based Calendar
I DOWNLOADED THE DEMO and played with it a bit–pretty impressive performance. It’s in beta now, and you can sign for the beta program at the link:
The next version of SeedCode Calendar moves the calendar’s complexity out of layouts and into the WebViewer, creating a calendar that’s faster, and much easier to paste into your files. This also lets the calendar take advantage of sexy behaviors and animations that were previously out of reach for FileMaker developers.
Our goals for the new calendar are pretty ambitious:
- Beginners should be able to paste this into their own file in less than 10 minutes
- Feature a no-compromises, contemporary interface that’s easily skinned using CSS
- Let you edit events in the WebViewer interface or jump out to your own layouts
- Update the calendar with new features in place–without you needing to re-integrate
- At least twice as fast as our current calendar
- No plugins and won’t require FileMaker Server
- Language and international date/time formats detected and respected on startup
Taking the calendar to a web viewer is a bold move, and it looks like it’s paying off with increased speed and much nicer effects. More and more functionality in FileMaker is coming from the web tools like FMP URL, javascript, web viewers, and more. A web based calendar is a next logical step.
SeedCode Calendar NEXT – SeedCode.