More jQuery UI in FileMaker

AARON GIARD of Scarpetta Group posted part 2 of his series on extending FileMaker’s capabilities with jQuery:

For those of you who who have not read it, click to read part 1 of this series to get a preface on some of the techniques I am using to make this happen.

I want to create a slider in FileMaker like the one below. When I interact with this slider, I want to send the selected value back to a FileMaker field. This one will be a quick and easy integration.

So first of all, I need to create our HTML code that will produce the slider control. Sample code can be downloaded from I am working with the “Range with fixed maximum” sample.

The result:  Changing the slider changes the value in the FileMaker field. Nice.

Using jQuery UI in FileMaker – Part 2 – The Scarpetta Group, Inc..


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