How one hospital uses EHR info to reduce bloodstream infections – FierceEMR

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How one hospital uses EHR info to reduce bloodstream infections

September 23, 2013 | By Marla Durben Hirsch

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that approximately 250,000 bloodstream infections are caused by poor management of intravenous catheters, resulting in about 60,000 deaths per year. But a good vascular access monitoring program integrated with a hospital’s electronic health record system can reduce that number–and reduce patient length of stay, according to Reginald Coopwood, M.D., president and CEO of Memphis, Tenn.-based Regional Medical Center.

Regional, a heavy trauma hospital, recently implemented an electronic vascular access program integrating catheter monitoring with its EHR so that the catheter information is available in one centralized system. Coopwood shared the hospital’s decision and findings with FierceEMR in an exclusive interview.

via How one hospital uses EHR info to reduce bloodstream infections – FierceEMR.


How one hospital uses EHR info to reduce bloodstream infections – FierceEMR

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