Are Your Default Assumptions Keeping You From Making a Change? | SUCCESS magazine Blog
Are Your Default Assumptions Keeping You From Making a Change?
We use assumptions every day to make decisions on how we spend our time, what someone else will do and to make faster decisions. Sometimes they can help us be more efficient when based on fact and analysis. But assumptions also stare us in the face when we have great new idea or want to make a change.
These favorite assumptions can be a shortcut for deciding not to change or act on a new idea, or even try. It’s also very convenient when our assumptions line up very nicely with our fears. It reinforces staying right where we are today.
Confront some commonly-held assumptions and decide if they’re affecting your decision to step out and try a new or better way.
More… Are Your Default Assumptions Keeping You From Making a Change? | SUCCESS magazine Blog.
Business Minute #4 - FileMaker Pro Gurus
September 18, 2013 @ 2:35 pm
[…] your default assumptions holding you […]