Transform Your Service Business with FileMaker
Transform Your Service Business
Inefficient processes, information scattered across multiple applications, both in the web and on your systems, and dealing with rigid technologies that cannot adapt to a businesses needs. These three business problems affect almost all businesses, especially small service businesses.
Big business can afford to build expensive, custom apps and thereby reap the benefits of improving processes, corralling data, and working around (or replacing) technologies that did not offer enough flexibility.
What about Small and Medium size businesses?
So where do small and medium size businesses turn for help? Custom apps built with the latest in trendy technology are expensive, mostly due to the learning curve associates with those technologies. And the solutions don’t always work out the way it should: Deprecated code, updates, compatibility with other systems, or just bad coding – all of these make keeping an expensively built system expensive to build and maintain.
So what do small and medium size businesses do when the cost of building (and maintaining) a custom app exceeds even the long term benefits? To whom do they turn to get the expertise and experience they need to build needed systems at a reasonable cost…and to get it done more quickly than the more complex systems take to plan and implement?
FileMaker Developers to the Rescue
FileMaker Pro is a great platform for quickly building complex solutions. And experienced FileMaker developers have the training and the business chops necessary to tame your business processes and improve your bottom line. Quickly. At a cost much less than competing solutions. And it works on Macs and PC’s (at the same time), on iPads and iPhones, and even on web browsers and Android based devices.
Check out this video from FileMaker and learn how to transform your service business as they talk with two Australian FileMaker firms discussing how FileMaker, combined with experienced FileMaker developers, take service businesses to the next level of increased profits.
What next?
Get more information and learn why the FileMaker Platform is the right solution for you. Just fill out the contact form to get the help you need. You won’t regret it.