WebViewer Integrations Library, Complete CS Education–$39, Stop Procrastinating
WebViewer Integrations Library
Jeremy Brown, of Soliant Computing, spent the last two or so years exploring ways to integrate WebViewer solutions into FileMaker databases. As you may know, there is a world of great code waiting to be put to use with FileMaker. The problem is putting FileMaker data into that code in a structured way that allows for updates, modifications, and style changes.
Brown set up an amazing system to manage all of this, built a FileMaker based library, made it easy to learn and integrate in to your solutions, and, to top it all off, is giving it away for free! Check out this intro video:
I don’t think you’ll find a better way to get into using Javascript, jQuery, HTML, and CSS with FileMaker than this resource. Follow the link below to see the other blog posts (with videos) in the series and to download the free example files.
Remember, the future belongs to those who seize it. And integrating FileMaker with the web (and web services) is the future.
Source: Web Viewer Integrations Library – Soliant Consulting
A Complete Computer Science Education—Minus the Student Loans
If you have decided to learn more about programming here’s a cheap and effective way to do it. A team of former google developers put together an eight course training series that covers a lot of material:
- C Programming – Drill Deep
- Byte Size Chunks: Java Object-Oriented Programming & Design
- Data Structures & Algorithms in Java
- SQL And Databases – Heavy Lifting
- Learn Python Programming – Easy as Pie
- Learn By Example: C++ Programming – 75 Solved Problems
- Raspberry Pi and the Internet of Things
- Case Studies: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Apple
Each module is free standing and available for purchase separately if you just want to learn about it. I couldn’t resist – I just bought it.
Stop Procrastinating!
Just in case you need help to stop procrastinating, James Clear’s post will get you going.
This guide explains what procrastination is, how it works, and how to stop procrastinating. Now for your first test: Don’t procrastinate, and read this now.
Source: Procrastination: A Brief Guide on How to Stop Procrastinating
Destiny is for people who are too lazy to create alternate timelines.
R. Stevens, Diesel Sweeties, 10-05-11