The Next Generation of a FileMaker Progress Bar
A FILEMAKER PROGRESS BAR using base64 encoding was ground breaking last December, and is even more so today, due to Excelysis’s Andy Persons adding the ability to change the colors of the progress bar using a steps parameter:
After we posted the FileMaker Pro 13 Progress Bar demo file using a base64 image last December, one frequent request we received was for a way to have the bar change color based on its percentage. For example, changing from green to yellow to red as the percentage increased.
This FileMaker Pro 13 Progress Bar demo file adds that feature. It replaces the foreground_color parameter with a steps parameter that takes a return-delimited list of values. Each line should have a number between 0 and 100 indicating the percentage threshold, followed by a space and then the corresponding color in base64. The values should be sorted by threshold, ascending. The FileMaker Pro Progress Bar demo file includes an interface to help you build the steps parameter.
Of course, there is an example file for you to download. Check it out and see how you can put it to use. Then share your finding via the comments.
The Next Generation of a FileMaker Pro Progress Bar.