The Best Design Secrets from Devcon 2014 – Designing FileMaker

ALEXIS ALLEN of Designing FileMaker shares more design secrets from Devcon 2014:

If you haven’t started using themes and styles yet in your FileMaker development, you should! This article consolidates information from Andrew Paulsen, Adam Ward, and Bob Shockey, presented in sessions at the 2014 FileMaker Developer’s Conference in San Antonio, Texas.

The tricks and pointers covered include:

  • Do I need a style?

  • Which style do I pick?

  • Style naming conventions

  • Development layouts/fileChoosing a base themeChanging themesTheme preview

  • Finding locally styled objects


Be careful when using the Format Painter. FileMaker will apply the correct styles to the object(s) you select, but will make them locally styled instead of according to the theme. If you apply Format Painter to five identical objects, the CSS for each of those objects will get represented five times, even though the objects all look the same. This can potentially have significant performance costs, as already mentioned, especially if you copy/paste from one theme into another. So the objects will look okay, but behind the scenes there will be a lot of extra code. Better to define a style and then apply it to all the objects that should look the same.

Read the whole thing, as they say.   There are more design secrets at the link.

Designing FileMaker Layouts Using Themes & Styles – Design for FileMaker Pro Developers.

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