SeedCode Complete First Look
I’ve been exploring the latest version Seedcode Complete, released 3 months ago. This version is designed us on the Selector Connector design model, is extremely modular, and keeps the focus of the user on a multi-use design type. Modules of information, easily available with this system, slide in and out, with an occasional popover to display more information:
In designing Complete We wanted to make the design patterns consistent throughout the entire solution. For example, when looking at a Contact–whether on the Contact layout or as a related contact on another layout–we wanted that presentation to be the same. The pattern we established in the main Contact layout would therefore be replicated throughout the solution so users could always recognize the interface for “Contacts”. Before FileMaker 13, this would be a challenge because there would typically not be enough real estate to show detailed Contact information in other contexts–on a Project layout, for example–without intruding on the Project information or seeming out of place. With 13, pop-overs and slide panels give us a lot more flexibility.
For the Contact layout we now display the basic information of the Contact with their thumbnail. We then use pop-overs as an easy to drill down to more information like additional e-mails, etc. Since we use a modal edit mode, all these fields are clickable, resulting in the appropriate action, e.g. open address in Google Maps in browser, open e-mail with selected address, etc.
Once a user gets adapted to the navigation style, it’s intuitive to use and to apply to most tabs in the navigation bar.
Clicking on an item in the navigation bar loads basic info and related information. Click on the Projects icon, for example, and see basic project information at the top, and related info below:
Additional related information is easy to add from the developer’s point view. And the purchased solution is unlocked, allowing a developer to modify it any way desired.
Check out the download demo (good for 10 days, and not unlocked) and give it a go. For end users, see what you think. For developers, explore the possibilities of the design functionality and ways to extend and improve it.
More…Design Patterns: “Cards” in SeedCode Complete – SeedCode.