Review: Together 3 one of the better file and data organizers for the Mac | Macworld

(Curator Note:  An interesting use for FileMaker users/developers in this article, as well as just a useful program)

Review: Together 3 one of the better file and data organizers for the Mac

ReviewProduct Specs


Together 3


Together remains one of the best executed note and file organizers out there.

GET IT FOR $40.00

Stuart Gripman

@crookedarm Jun 27, 2013 10:57 AMprint

Most of us amass disparate pieces of information we need to keep around, be they receipts for online purchases, scans of important documents, or just notes we’ve typed. Together 3 aims to keep all those bits of information in one easy to organize place. Building upon the already excellent Together 2, the new revision adds some compelling capabilities.

Together presents your information in three columns. On the left you’ll find a list of sources, various groupings of the items you’ve created or placed in Together. Some of the sources are automatically populated—the Images source, for example, contains every image file in your Together library. You can create custom groups that, like iTunes playlists or iPhoto albums, hold whatever items you drag into them. Together also offers “smart” groups that are automatically populated based on user specified search terms. Clicking a toggle at the top of the column presents a list of the tags that have been applied in the current library. Avid taggers will want to take advantage of custom Tag Bundles, which are basically folders for grouping similar tags.

Click any of your left-column sources and Together lists its constituent items in the center column. Each line shows the item’s name, type, size, creation date, and preview if available (icon if not). Click on the list item and it loads in the rightmost column. Plain and rich text items can be edited directly inside Together. Other types will display a preview when possible and an icon when all else fails. Double click a list item to open it in its native application.

Together 3 excels at pulling all those random bits and pieces of information, well, together.

Together 3 executes its core duties with the same aplomb as the lauded Together 2. But this version packs several new features that enhance the experience. The general design has been refined in subtle ways including tabbed viewing for those editable text items and a popup item information pane that can be invoked by simply pressing the space bar.

The new Stationery feature allows you to take any item of any type and designate it as stationery.

More… Review: Together 3 one of the better file and data organizers for the Mac | Macworld.

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