RESTfm 2.0 Released | Goya Pty Ltd
RESTfm 2.0 Released
Submitted by Nicholas Orr on 3 July 2013 – 3:50pm
We’re excited today to announce that RESTfm has reached version 2.0. Although we haven’t previously spent much time talking about RESTfm, we’ve slowly been working on other tools that interact with it. In the coming days in the leadup to FileMaker DevCon, I’m going to go into more detail about our implementations of :
PayPal Instant Payment Notifications to RESTfm
FastSpring software Licence retrieval from RESTfm
Doing a POST in the WebViewer in FileMaker Go to RESTfm
Syncing from FileMaker Go to RESTfm via HTTP
Keep an eye on the blog here for more details about these.
2.0 Release
The 2.0 release had some big features we needed to help us build our sync framework, notably :
The RFMelsePOST flag to allow us to do a single request for new or updated records.
RFMappend for doing large data sets over a small GET connection.
RFMfixFM01 to work around the way FileMaker handles encoded characters in InsertFromURL.
A Field meta data flag so you can just retreive the field details without getting any records.
Our new .simple format for easy to parse data inside FileMaker where there is no JSON or XML.
Plus a bunch of smaller things and bug fixes. All of the details are on the change log.
This is a free update to 1.0, and anyone who has an existing licence will be emailed a copy of the latest release shortly.
More…RESTfm 2.0 Released | Goya Pty Ltd.