Rapid Application Development: Go Native or Go Platform
Scott Love has a well written article on the FileMaker Platform in App Developer Magazine:
As our world has increasingly adopted mobile technologies, developers have struggled with ways to meet the often urgent demands of business users. When iPhone and its iOS were introduced in January 2007, astute software developers certainly took note – but it wasn’t until July 2008 that the mobile app revolution began with the introduction of the App Store in iOS 2. Third-party apps weren’t new to smartphones, not even Apple’s, but the App Store made deploying, browsing and buying them a snap….
In the confluence of these forces, software development for businesses has evolved to support a device-agnostic strategy: Existing platforms for the desktop have become fully adapted to mobile devices, and it’s become nearly as anachronistic to develop a mobile-only business application as it would be to create a desktop-only version. Pragmatism, as always in business, has driven IT and software teams to find practical solutions that leverage one code base for use on whichever devices are most appropriate.This is where the FileMaker Platform steps in. The FileMaker Platform, owned by its Apple subsidiary namesake FileMaker Inc., is one of the most under-appreciated technology successes in Silicon Valley, yet in today’s world of mobile development, it offers a relevant and extraordinarily easy way for developers to build mobile apps for businesses.
Check it out and remember the points he makes–and how he makes them. This is good material for persuading possible clients, IT departments , or your superiors why they need to consider FileMaker.
Source: Rapid Application Development: Go Native or Go Platform | App Developer Magazine