Project Champion: The #1 Key to Communication
Project Champion: The #1 Key to Communication
Published on October 29, 2013 by Susan Fennema
Project Champion
In my last blog post, I discussed how communication was the key to database/software project success. While that is true, the Project Champion is the key to communication. This post continues that theme by explaining what a Project Champion is and how that person plays an integral role in a custom software development project.
As the Project Manager, I am the ambassador for our development team. As such, I need to work with an ambassador from the customer’s team. We call this person the Project Champion. Each of us has responsibilities to help keep a project moving.
Depending on the size of the customer’s business, a project might also require Department Champions. If a customer’s team doesn’t have need for a Department Champion, many of the responsibilities for that role will also fall to the Project Champion. (See responsibilities for each below.)
Project Champion:
Acquire timely responses from department champions, if needed
Assist in managing scope and change requests
via Project Champion: The #1 Key to Communication.