Point In Space: FileMaker Pro 13 Hosting

FileMaker Pro 13 Hosting Information

FileMaker Server 11 Advanced
Point In Space is committed to providing hosting of the latest technologies as soon as possible. As such, we are now offering immediate availability of FileMaker Pro 13 hosting on FileMaker Server 13.FileMaker Pro 13 and Server 13 offer many new features, including:

  • New design features – make it faster and easier to consistently create great-looking databases.

  • New features for iOS – make it faster to create solutions and easier to enter data on iPad and iPhone.

  • New development features – help you create more useful solutions more efficiently than ever.

  • New security features – ensure your organization’s data is more protected.

Q: What types of connections do you support on your shared FileMaker hosting accounts with FileMaker 13?

A: We support all protocols except for the new WebDirect feature. This includes FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Go, Custom Web Publishing with PHP and Lasso, External Data Source connectivity, and ODBC/JDBC connections.

Q: What about WebDirect?

A: Due to the hardware requirements to properly run WebDirect, a virtual dedicated server is required.


via Point In Space: FileMaker Pro 13 Hosting.

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