Meet the FileMaker Min and Max Functions
DOUBLE THE PLEASURE, DOUBLE THE FUN. Assuming you find programming fun, that is. FullCity Consulting covers the Min and Max functions this week:
What’s better than a function of the week? Two functions of the week! This week we’ll explore the (fraternal) twin functions of Min and Max. These functions return the lowest and highest value respectively among a range of fields. But the results you get have everything to do with the kind of fields you use in the calculation. We’ll look at how Min and Max behave in the two most common usage scenarios: using a set of local fields and using a single related field.
Local Fields
The term “local fields” refers to fields that are defined in the same table that your layout is tied to. It’s important to understand that when using Min and Max with local fields, it will only assess the values in the current record. Many users assume that Min and Max will look across all the records in a found set to find that minimum or maximum value, but such is not the case when using local fields.
Min and Max are functions I haven’t used that much, but are very handy when you need them, especially across related fields.
via FileMaker Function of the Week: Min and Max.