Help Exporting a VCard file from FileMaker

HAS ANYONE HAD good luck with exporting a VCard file (.vcf) from FileMaker?  A solution that works with both Mac and Windows?

I have tried the Vcard custom function found on, but cannot get an exported  file to work.  I am exporting from FileMaker 13 on a Mac and have tried these variations of export file:  txt, csv, utf-8, utf-16, Macintosh, Windows.  Is I save it as a .vcf file, Contacts throws this error:

Screen Shot 2014-08-20 at 5.54.08 AM


If I save it as a .csv or a .txt, this error occurs:

Screen Shot 2014-08-20 at 5.55.35 AM

I have also tried exporting as XML, but that requires a xml stylesheet in the same folder as the program, which for this solution is on a server.  And the sample solutions I downloaded don’t work even when it is there.

I’ve tried the solutions at the following links:


No luck with any of them.

So, please comment if you have a solution or link to try.  And thanks for helping out.  I’ll post the solution in a later post.


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