FileMaker Server on Amazon Web Services Quick Start Guide

FileMaker Server on Amazon Web Services

I recently set up a Simple Email Service (SES) account to use with 360Works Cloudmail, and it is truly a challenging learning experience that is not for the faint of heart. But it is much easier than it was a 18 months ago when I first tried it.

The learning curve is steep and the terminology is challenging, too.  For example, Amazon Web Services description of a cloud computer is called an instance–you spin up an instance when you need it, and shut it down when you don’t.  That is somewhat different thinking than most of us are used to. It is OK to keep an instance running 24 x 7 x 365, but the cost starts to build up.   And the more power you add, the higher the cost.

Amazon Web Services


Mike Duncan’s post on using FileMaker Server on Amazon Web Services, while a high level explanation, will help you through the process:

Amazon Web Services (AWS) are a collection of cost effective, scalable and reliable services that are used by some of the biggest names in tech to deliver enterprise applications. One of those services, called Elastic Cloud Compute (or EC2) allows one to create virtual servers that can be well suited for hosting a FileMaker Server for as little as free! You can’t beat that!

You can have a FileMaker Server available in just minutes by following along with our step by step guide. We will cover the use cases, associated costs, and where to go next after the guide. For now, let us start with the steps.

AWS can be intimidating for new users. You can get bogged down learning the alphabet soup of acronyms for all the various services and understanding what they are and how to use them. For now, you can forget all that and dive right in!

It’s easy to get lost when you first sign up to AWS, so Duncan’s guidelines will be of help.

Just in case, though, here are some links you might find useful:

So get your learning cap on and set aside a good chunk of time before diving in.  Good Luck!

Source: FileMaker Server on Amazon Web Services Quick Start Guide

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