FileMaker Pro 13 Review
Yet another favorable review of FileMaker 13 – with the exception of the new pricing structure. Key takeaway:
Even bigger than better tablet support is a new, streamlined method for deploying FileMaker databases online – called WebDirect. Powered by HTML5, the new feature takes away the need to marry backend database to a frontend using an intermediary scripting language, like PHP or With WebDirect you design and develop everything using FileMaker Pro locally, then deploy it using FileMaker Server. The amount of coding required is significantly minimised.
Though FileMaker Server is a separate app and an additional expense with a cost per active connection, the feature is extremely forward looking – and makes sense of the emphasis on interface design in this version of the app. While FileMaker Pro has already been through a sufficient number of iterations to make its database design capabilities robust, this release is about positioning FileMaker Pro as a mobile application design tool for small business use. And it does it very successfully.