Closing a Sale: 7 Mistakes to Avoid |


A little side jaunt here – but most developers need sales skills, if only to sell an internal project.

Selling is pointless unless you’re closing business, which is why it’s important to hone your closing skills.  In a previous post, I explained how to close a sale. This post explains what notto do when you’re closing.


1. Believing that sales materials can close business.  Your website, emails, and brochures are only useful insofar as they help you open a dialog with the customer.  With the exception of plug-and-play commodities (which can be ordered online), customers only buy after they’ve discussed their needs and assessed the value of buying from you.


2. Attempting to close too soon. The ABC rule (Always Be Closing) is horrible salesadvice.  When you ask for the business too early in the discussion, it makes you seem pushy, which makes the customer LESS likely to buy.

Closing a Sale: 7 Mistakes to Avoid |

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