FileMaker Paper to iPad Demo – YouTube
The paperless office promise has been around for a long time, yet computers have always spawned more, not less, paper. This variant–membership applications–is one area where paper use can be decreased, and major time savings realized, as well. Toss in the ease of use, fewer errors in form submission due to enforcement of business rules and data entry, and you’ve got a far superior solution to paper forms:
Published on Nov 17, 2014
Are you still using paper forms for membership applications? Is there a business task or process that you’d like to easily manage? This session is centered around you. Join Antony Larose of FileMaker as he takes a membership application form to iPad and the web using the FileMaker Platform in around 30 minutes. Got a paper form you’d like to see taken to iPad and the web? Please get in touch via and this could be featured in a future session.
Of course, there are plenty of similar applications out there begging for the same treatment. Be creative and suggest these to your clients.
via Webinar: Paper to iPad Demo (Membership Application Form) – YouTube.