FileMaker Inside of Higher Education – YouTube
Rosemary Tietge, presenter in this video, will be presenting at the New Mexico FM Pug User Group meeting in December. She was great last spring and we look forward to her presentation next month. We will be doing a virtual meeting, so join us next month to hear her speak.
Published on Nov 3, 2014
The FileMaker Platform is used by the top universities in North America and in a wide variety of uses ranging from admissions, to attendance, to billing. Departments throughout higher education benefit from FileMaker’s ease of use, rapid solution development and ability to interface with enterprise systems. Whether you have support from IT or are starting on your own, your success depends on building a support system of the key stakeholders and following best practices for solution deployment.
Join us for a 60 minute session led by Rosemary Tietge, Consulting Engineer at FileMaker, Inc., where we’ll explore real world uses of the FileMaker Platform in higher education, as well as share best practices when partnering with IT, and strategies around evangelizing and building a FileMaker community in your institution.
Learn more about FileMaker in Education here:
FileMaker Inside of Higher Education – YouTube.