FileMaker 12 Layout Tricks: Hiding Tabs – SeedCode
FileMaker 12 Layout Tricks: Hiding Tabs
Posted on April 14, 2012 by seedcodenext · (15 Comments) · Tagged With: FileMaker 12
If you wanted to use a tab control on your layout but hide it from your users, you used to have to cover it with another tab and/or make the tab text very small. This is because you both have to visually hide the tab AND prevent users who actually click on it’s tab controls from activating it. While this worked, the layouts were kind of hard to use in layout mode: it was often hard to find the tabs at all.
Fortunately this is a lot easier in 12. And not only because tab controls work in layout mode(!).
Here is how we’re hiding tabs now.
via FileMaker 12 Layout Tricks: Hiding Tabs – SeedCode.