Excelisys Moves Up A Notch to FileMaker Platinum | MacMegasite

AN INTERESTING HISTORY of the journey to FileMaker Platinum status for Excelisys:

South Bend, Indiana – On April 10, 2014 The phone line was strangely still. The sudden intake of breath was the only indication that the normally staccato-speaking Christo and the rest of the Excelisys management team ~ Rick, Kurt, Greg and Doug ~ were still on the line. Then the cheers began and the two at the other end of the line knew they had not only made Excelisys’ day, but perhaps the company’s whole decade with the news they had shared: Excelisys had finally been recognized as a FileMaker Business Alliance “Platinum” Member.

Imagine, if you will, working tirelessly for 13 years, diligently focused on providing the absolute highest quality, customer-focused consultation and development services possible, supporting the development and sharing of numerous improvements in method and delivery with your peers….only to find your company still not being embraced as one of the elite in your industry?

That was the frustrating story for Christo, Founder and President of Excelisys, and his team who operate a custom FileMaker Pro software development and consulting company based in South Bend, Indiana.

Read the whole thing.  Congrats to Christo and to the staff at Excelisys!

More…Excelisys Moves Up A Notch to Platinum | MacMegasite.


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