Excel vs Filemaker – Part 3
Michael and I had a very nice conversation on the phone this past Monday morning, talking about FileMaker and business in general. We also discussed the Excel vs. FileMaker series he has produced–this one being the third in the series:
Here are some more side-by-side comparisons between Excel and FileMaker but, before we move onto them, I should disclose that I am not an Excel expert by any means. What I am though is a typical Excel user; I know the basics and enough to get around. What I also know, and there is no disputing this, is that a business with hundreds (or more) of spreadsheets each containing different information, is not operating efficiently because it is too hard to get to the data and look at it as a cohesive set of information. I also know that the more typing/data entry that has to be done, the more likelihood is that something gets entered incorrectly, not to mention that it is more work. In business, every second counts.
One thing he mentioned in our conversation: Developers, these videos are not aimed at you. Instead, share them to your clients and prospective clients. These videos show the superiority of a database (FileMaker, in his videos) to a spreadsheet for manipulating and analyzing data.
In this latest post, Michael shows a couple of more comparisons in two short videos. Both are compelling.
Source: Excel vs Filemaker – Part 3 | Everything FileMaker by Michael Rocharde