FileMaker Formatting Via Presentation And Data Layers


FileMaker Formatting Via Presentation And Data Layers

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2013 AT 6:09AMFrom Dwayne Wright PMP, PMI-ACP, CSMCertified FileMaker DeveloperWEB: www.dwaynewright.comEMAIL: info@dwaynewright.comTWITTER: dwaynewright YOUTUBE: FileMakerThoughtsNow I have chatted quite a bit about formatting data on a FileMaker layout because it is an essential element of database design. In many ways the formatting choices you make can be divided into the presentation layer, the data layer or even a combination thereof.The presentation layer is a term that is given in regards to the appearance of your solutions data. Now the elements of the presentation layer are usually layout specific like formatting, buttons, portals and the like. Some of the more advanced elements in the presentation layer might be influenced by scripts or calculations outside of the layout. This can include custom menus, conditional formatting, tooltips, web viewers and even show custom dialog boxes.The data layer is a term that is given to the table and field containers you design for your solution. This is where the bulk of your calculations are likely to take place, although some advanced calculation development can be done outside of the traditional data layer, such as global variables.ABOUT PRESENTATION LAYER FORMATTINGNow text formatting from under the Format menu is a classic case of a presentation layer implementation.

More… Dwayne Wright PMP, PMI-ACP, CSM – FileMaker Thoughts – FileMaker Formatting Via Presentation And Data Layers.

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