Caller ID Finds Related FileMaker Records
Another example of one of my favorite topics: extending FileMaker to interact with the rest of the tech world with web technologies. This time it’s Douglas Alder (again) pulling up FileMaker records based on caller ID on a Smart Phone:
A while back, I did a blog entry on capturing Caller ID to look up FileMaker database contacts using a VOIP system. I thought it might be interesting to see if the same thing could be achieved with a smart phone, such as an iPhone or Android device.
It turns out that JNSoftware LLC, has already created a Mac app that routes incoming Caller ID to various applications. They even have a FileMaker Pro 7 demo file assembled to demonstrate this in action. I created a new .fmp12 demo file and rebuilt the AppleScript to employ the new FMP URL method (FM 13.0v2 and newer). This revised AppleScript makes it fairly simple to adapt to any FileMaker contacts database.
This solution works on Macs, and there doesn’t appear to be any Windows solutions out there right now, although Alder wants feedback from anyone having a solution or idea.
Alder explains the process in detail, and includes a downloadable file. Have fun!
Source: Smart Phone Caller ID Triggers Customer Search in FileMaker Pro Database
Caller ID Finds Related FileMaker Records