Browser Navigation – Modular FileMaker

FORWARD AND BACK BUTTONS using the latest FileMaker capabilities.  And best of all, it’s modular!  Give Paul Jansen’s modular solution a test run–you’ll love it.

BrowserNav adds web browser like layout navigation history and requires a single script, one custom function (Optional) and back and forward buttons.  Once the script and custom function have been added to your file, just paste the back and forward buttons onto each layout you wish to include in the navigation history and you’re done.  This module has been designed to be really easy to retrofit to existing solutions; deciding where to put the buttons on your layouts will probably be the most difficult part of the implementation!

There are two versions now the second one with support for multiple windows – this one is somewhat more complex and has not been tested as extensively as the original version.  Both versions now have the option to turn off the saving of layouts to the history; this gives more control when running scripted processes that may move through several layouts.

Browser Navigation – Modular FileMaker.


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