19 tips, tricks and shortcuts to help you conquer Mac OS Yosemite
For those Mac users out there, I thought you might find these Yosemite tricks helpful. I have used Yosemite for a couple of months, and really like it. However, there were/are plenty of features I did not know about or that I wasn’t utilizing properly:
- The new spotlight search–it does math, currency conversion, word definitions, and interactive previews, which means you can send emails, make phone calls, etc., from within Spotlight
- Sign your name with a trackpad (on your laptop or an external one)
- 3D maps with traffic and flyover tours of major cities
- Close Safari tabs on other Apple devices
- Record your iPhone screen
- Share your screen
- Answer and make calls on your Mac
- Send and receive SMS messages
- Annotate images or PDF’s in mail (very nice, you don’t have to leave mail to do it)
- Lots more at the link
I see immediate uses with using the phone via the Mac–much better audio than using the iPhone speaker system, and annotating images and pdf’s within mail.
More…19 tips, tricks and shortcuts to help you conquer Mac OS Yosemite | Technology | The Guardian.
February 13, 2015 @ 5:50 am
Back-2-my-Mac (share your screen) or share files between all devices with same Apple-ID is a great thing.
I believe that Apple iCloud is acting like a DynDNS server therefor the devices can locate each other over the internet.
I hope that FMI is taking advantage of this possibilities and that DynDNS-registration, router-config, port forwarding etc. get’s obsolete.
February 13, 2015 @ 6:41 am
That would be nice! On the down side, all of this connectivity between devices might turn into a real headache if your system gets hacked!
February 13, 2015 @ 9:13 am
I see 2 possible points of attack:
Apple Inc.: Do you trust all the security measures on Apple’s side for theirs server farms in N.C.? If not, anything regarding iCloud and sync, etc. is to avoid.
Shell I put a stopp-loss order to my Apple Shares (AAPL)?
Your Apple-ID: ‘specially the password then should be treated like the PIN-code of your credit-card.