Why Build a QuickFind Function in FileMaker?

MORE GOOD THINGS from Modular Filemaker, this time an updated QuickFind function from Kursiv Software.  As every FileMaker Developer knows, FileMaker has a native QuickFind feature.  So, why not use the built in QuickFind?  One scenario–when the solution requires hiding the status area.  Another is for FileMaker Go applications.  Having QuickFind on the screen saves time and taps.  I’ll bet you can find other uses, as well.

This particular module also has two modes which can be switched as needed:

QuickFind comes with 2 modes, which can be switched:
– Automated Search
– Search with button or keystroke.

After installation, the set of fields and buttons can be copied to any layout of any table and it works without further modifications.

Registration is required to download, but it’s worth it.

QuickFind – Modular FileMaker.



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