The Magic of FMP URL, and What it Means to You
WHAT IS THE FMP URL–AND WHAT CAN YOU REALLY DO WITH IT? How about talk to your FileMaker database directly from a web viewer? Without the need for a web server to host the files and without the need for a server. The big changes with 13.0V2:
- Call scripts–with parameters–from a web viewer and return results to the web viewer
- Open a local file and run a script from a web viewer
- Open FileMaker Go and run a script
- Interact with other programs on iOS and return data to FileMaker Go
These abilities open a whole new world to FileMaker Developers. iSolutions goes into further detail:
The most important aspect of being able to fully integrate live web controls into FileMaker layouts is the use of FileMaker’s “fmp://” protocol.
Objects within a Web Viewer can use this protocol to send messages directly to your FileMaker databases, locally and without the need for a web server to host the files and without the need for the Web Publishing Engine to supply the data.
FMP URLs can directly call FileMaker scripts and pass parameters and script variables to them in real time. This means that a Web Viewer on a FileMaker layout can make a “round trip” to communicate with your database, just like built-in layout controls you are comfortable with.
FMP URLs can execute scripts within your existing database session, just like all other script triggers. This means you can continue to use your FileMaker scripting and calculation experience to manipulate what is being displayed in web viewers and fully integrate your business logic using FileMaker instead of having it all built into HTML5 and JavaScript. All of this can be done within the database itself, without the need for web hosting or web servers.
Another benefit of using FMP URLs is that FileMaker isn’t the only application that uses them. FileMaker Go on iOS can communicate with other iOS apps using their URL schemes. If you learn the URL schemes of other iOS apps, you can make clean integrations between those apps and FileMaker, all within your FileMaker scripts.
Read the whole thing, and be sure to follow the link at the bottom for more help.
More…FMP URL Scheme and the 13.0v2 Improvement | iSolutions, Inc..