PhilModJunk FileMaker Bug Database
If you are developing in FileMaker, you’ll want this download. In fact, you’ll want to re-download this periodically as it’s updated.
Why? Because it will save you a lot of time and frustration. It’s a FileMaker Bug Database maintained by PhilModJunk, AKA Phil Caulkins:
I’ve been using this database to maintain the Known Bug List thread on the FileMaker Technical Support Forum and have decided to make this database available to the public as a service to the FileMaker community and also to demonstrate to the powers that be that publishing a searchable database of acknowledged bugs will not harm the marketing of their product. Rather, it can enhance the market position of their product by helping FileMaker developers be more successful in producing effective solutions that successfully deal with the bugs that can otherwise confuse and/or frustrate their efforts.
Every bug record in this database represents a bug that has been officially acknowledged by a FileMaker Inc. representative on their forum or in a knowledge base article. It is not an exhaustive list of all bugs in all versions nor has it been reviewed, approved or authorized by anyone from FileMaker Inc.
If you know of a bug that is not in this database, please post a report of it on the FileMaker Report an Issue forum and I will add it to the database once it is confirmed by FileMaker. If it has already been so acknowledged, send me the link to the thread and I’ll review it for possible inclusion in the database.
The database download is at the link. Get it now…
David Anders
August 26, 2015 @ 5:49 pm
PhilModJunk (Phil Calkins)