New Mexico FileMaker Virtual User Group Meeting Tuesday, 2/11/14

The New Mexico FM Pug FileMaker group will be having a regular meeting as well as a virtual meeting on Tuesday, February 11,, 2014.  We welcome FileMaker users from all over to join us from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM MST.

If you are interested in attending virtually, please email

We’re using to share the meeting.   To prepare, you can set up your computer by visiting this page.  That link will walk you through the proper install of the app on your computer or mobile device.  The app is needed for best results – please do not use the browser interface.  Once you have installed the app, start it and type in FMProGurus in the join meeting field.  You will have to Knock to enter the meeting.

You will be able to join up by 5:15 MST on Tuesday.  .  Also, when prompted, please enter an identifiable name. If you have any problems, click here for troubleshooting help.

If you want to ask questions and participate in the round table or troubleshooting phases, please have your microphone handy and do a sound check before 5:30.  You will be able to type in a question and I will activate your mike if more info is needed.

The agenda for Tuesday night:

5:15 Virtual meeting login and testing – please follow the instructions.
5:30 to 5:40 Meet and Greet, both live and Virtual
5:40 to 6:00  A FileMaker Demo by Don (topic TBD)
6:00 to 6:30  A demo of Dragon Talking combined with FileMaker by Phillip Blair
6:30 to 6:50  Problem solving – your chance to ask questions about that nagging problem you’ve been having
6:50 to 7:20  Round table discussion of anything FileMaker – tips, tricks, news, etc.
7:20 to 7:30  Meeting wrap up and discussion of next meeting

For future meetings we hope to invite virtual attendees to make presentations to our group – pay attention all of you vendors out there!  We’ll be looking for ideas for future topics such as scripting ideas, plugins, SQL, layout and design, developer tips and tricks, and much, much more.

We hope you can join us this Tuesday and in future meetings!

Don Clark

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