New FileMaker Blogs
Announcement: New FileMaker Blogs
Two new FileMaker blogs are now available:
These blogs are:
1. Visual – blog content primarily consist of images
2. Community Driven – blog content is created by FileMaker developers. To become a blog author, please contact
————— FileMaker-UI —————
FileMaker-UI is a collection of FileMaker user interface design. FileMaker developers can both showcase their design as well as solicit help from the community. Think of this site as for FileMaker developers.
Designs can fall into one of three categories:
1. Form View
2. List View
3. Reports
————— FileMaker-ERD —————
FileMaker-ERD is a collection of Entity Relation Diagrams (ERD) by FileMaker developers for FileMaker developers. In addition to providing ERDs to various data system, this site also offers the opportunity for FileMaker developers to discuss the data structure.
Many FileMaker developers come to the software from a background other than computer science. Many may be unfamiliar with ERDs, data normalization, relationships, etc. A few examples can be found in books but they are usually pretty generic. There are also a few sites on the web to obtain ERDs, but FileMaker has some unique assets such as Value Lists which can alter an ERD.
If you would like to post your design work and/or your ERD work, please contact