Insert From URL and Encoding | Goya Pty Ltd
Insert From URL and Encoding
Submitted by Nicholas Orr on 3 September 2013 – 4:31pm
RESTfmSync makes heavy use of the new in v12 “Insert From URL” script step to send data to the FileMaker Server. This works very well, but has a few limitations. Seeing as we’ve been through all of the testing and trials to work out exactly what those limitations are, we thought it worth documenting them for others using this step in their solutions.
First of all, the Insert From URL ( hereafter referred to as IFU ) step only supports a GET operation. It can’t do PUT, POST or DELETE. So some interactions with web servers are not possible. In fact most web APIs utilise much more than just a GET, and so for lots of things Web Service related, IFU just isn’t enough.
We have the advantage with RESTfmSync of controlling both the client ( FileMaker Pro on the desktop or FileMaker Go on iOS ) and the server ( RESTfm via Custom Web Publishing in FileMaker Server ). So we’ve built into RESTfm the ability to override the method. This means we can send a GET request but have RESTfm treat it like any a different request. This is done via an extra parameter
When you send this parameter in your URL you can do a POST via a GET from the Insert From URL step.
More… Insert From URL and Encoding | Goya Pty Ltd.