FileMaker Web Seminar: FileMaker Security – YouTube
FILEMAKER SECURITY is the boring topic not often addressed. Failure to properly address is will lead to disaster.
Data protection is top of mind and a priority for business of all sizes. In 2012, the Wall Street Journal sited this alarming statistic, “Firms with 11 to 100 employees are attacked more than ten times as frequently as the next larger tier (100 to 1000 employees).” Fortunately, the FileMaker Platform can help organizations protect their valuable data with the ability to control user access down to the field-level of a solution. And with FileMaker Pro 13 Advanced, data can be secured using powerful AES 256-bit encryption while hosted on FileMaker Server 13. Watch as we cover material from the newly released “FileMaker Training Series: Basics” eBook and the “FileMaker Security Guide.” You’ll see how FileMaker software meets the standards for account administration through both internal and external authentication, making the FileMaker Platform a “good citizen” for IT organizations.