FileMaker Mentoring | Learning FileMaker The Easy Way!

Mentoring/coaching young talent (or talent of any age, for that matter) is a fulfilling and rewarding experience for both parties.  I have direct experience with both roles in the immediate past in the area of business coaching.  FileMaker Mentoring, the brain child of Egbert Friedrich, is a great start, and one that will start spawning a steady stream of capable FileMaker developers before long:

What is this Mentoring-thing?

First and foremost, “FileMaker Mentoring” is a project that connects experienced developers with those who are interested in making a living out of FileMaker development (or vice versa). It is intented to create a personal, direct relationship between both parties to learn as much as possible! We are the contact point for both parties! As such we provide the infrastructure as well as resources how to mentor best.

FileMaker Mentoring is not a substitute for FileMaker Training Courses or other paid education!…

What are my benefits when I am a Mentor?

Every Mentor gets access to Atlassian Confluence and JIRA for the time of being a Mentor.
Not to mention being part of an exclusive Network!
And the plenty of “Good Karma”-points. ;o)


If you are interested in becoming a mentor, or feel you would benefit from being mentored, get over to FileMaker Mentoring and check it out:

More…FileMaker Mentoring | Learning FileMaker The Easy Way!.

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