FileMaker Developer Interview – Matt Navarre
FileMaker Developer Interview – Matt Navarre
A Production at FileMaker Devcon 2016 in Vegas, with Donald Clark,, of Albuquerque, NM, and Matt Navarre, App.Works, of Portland, OR.
If you’ve been developing in FileMaker for virtually any length of time, you’ve heard of Matt Navarre. Matt is the owner of App.Works (formerly, located in Portland, Oregon.
Matt’s FileMaker developer days started way back in 1987, when FileMaker was owned by Nashoba.
For time codes of topics, scroll below the video.
Matt Navarre, FM Developer (0:27 seconds)
FileMaker Developer Since 1987
Portland, Oregon
Developing Since 1985 (2 minutes)
Certified in FM 7-15
App.Works formally known as MSN Media
Started the Portland FileMaker Group
Also Part of
Started with Egghead Software
Nashoba Systems Developed the Original FileMaker (2:17 minutes)
If you remember Hypercard™, you are an old-time Apple™ fan! (3:08 minutes)
App.Works (4:29 minutes)
4 full-time &
2 contractors
Public Health
General Business
Non Profits
( Churches & Camps)
Public Health (5 minutes)
Purpose Aspect
Projects that make a difference in people’s lives
Don Clark (6:33 minutes)
FM Database Consulting, Albuquerque, NM
FileMaker Connectivity and Communication to other Systems Helps to Make it Stronger (7:50 minutes)
MailChimp Integration (8:29 minutes)
More info at (8:41 minutes)
Searchable List of Free FileMaker Example Files
260+ Downloadable files at (8:53 minutes)
Matt’s Podcasts available at (10:23 minutes)
FileMaker Champions Program (12:08 minutes)
For those that promote FileMaker through Social Media
Apply at
Have you discovered Facebook Live? (15 minutes)
Don Clark discusses his computer career (16:30 minutes)
Matt Navarre compares FileMaker developing to music (18:19 minutes)