FileMaker Developer Interview James Hea
What you’ll learn in this interview with James Hea of Dataworks Pro:
- James’ journey from Dataworks to Dataworks Pro
- What he did while working in Bermuda for the past seven years
- Learn about his Devcon 2015 presentation on change management in regulated industries
- Risk management in highly regulated industries
- How he limited Full Access to developers except in controlled circumstances
- How he got started using FileMaker (and what he used prior)
- About his experiences at Devcon 2015
- His opinion of FileMaker’s future plans
- Why he likes FileMaker’s platform
- What the does in his off time
- Disaster recovery planning he has implemented
- And much more…
FileMaker Developer Interview James Hea
James Hea
August 20, 2015 @ 8:06 am
Don, thanks for the interview and for posting. I’ve reposted to FaceBook.
James Hea
August 20, 2015 @ 8:07 am
Don, thanks for posting. I’ve re-posted to FaceBook.
Peter Galer
August 31, 2015 @ 7:47 am
By developing a mutual fund reconciliation process, I was able to fully integrate 12 global data feeds allowing users to reconcile, create an investigation, track progress, and provide daily progress reports. James Hea?