FileMaker Devcon 2015 – I’ll be there!


I’ve registered for FileMaker Devcon 2015 and I am booked at the Cosmo!

I am looking forward to learning a lot and meeting some of the people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting though this blog.  Hope to see you there!

The 2015 FileMaker DevCon will be held  in Las Vegas, Nevada on July 20 – 23 at theCosmopolitan “Cosmo”one of this writers favorite places to stay in Vegas. Hint…good rooms go fast. This is a 5 Star Hotel. The hotel currently has a buy 2 get the 3rd night free offer that a smart person would grab now! Please be sure to check back later for more details on next year’s conference. Until next time…check out the Cosmo and thanks for being part of  our Forum & Community.

FileMaker Devcon 2015 – Las Vegas, Nevada July 20 – 23, 2015 – FileMaker Today – FileMaker Forum.

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