FileMaker Custom Function:resolve ( name )

Easy way to resolve names to values inside scripts. Can be used from any context without creating relationships.


Aditional details:

There should be a “table” with fields ID,name,value. ID is of type number with auto enter serial enabled. Other fields are text type.

valuelist.names is a value list based on field “names” from “table”. Settings: display values from second field “ID”, Sort values using second field.

valuelist.values is a value list based on field “values” from “table”. Settings: display values from second field “ID”, Sort values using second field.

I came up with this function because I wanted to have parameters in scripts that resolve to values contained in a table and hate creating new relationships for every reference from different table instances the scripts are running from.

So far I tested it with no problems. I copied part of the code of this function

FileMaker Custom Function:resolve ( name ).

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