Drag and Drop Images from a Web Viewer in FileMaker Pro 12 on a Macintosh | HomeBase Software
Drag and Drop Images from a Web Viewer in FileMaker Pro 12 on a MacintoshJULY 29, 2013 BY DOUGLAS ALDER 0 COMMENTS 1 VotesFileMaker Pro 12 introduced drag and drop from the file system into container fields, but when dragging images from a Web Viewer or web browser Safari, IE, Firefox etc into a container field, it inserts the image URL text into the container field, instead of the actual image. It appears that this behaviour is only on the Mac version.This is a work-around script trigger employing the ‘Insert from URL’ script step to get an image from the web into the container field.
via Drag and Drop Images from a Web Viewer in FileMaker Pro 12 on a Macintosh | HomeBase Software.