Devcon 2013 Day 4
Great sessions yesterday – two by Matt Petrowsky. If you ever have the chance to attend one of his sessions, do it. The man is amazing. He talks fast and non-stop for an hour fifteen, and even after two session you know he could keep going for along time.
San Diego Zoo – everyone seemed to have a great time. I met several FileMaker engineers – Andrew, Adam, Oleg and Vladimir. Great guys, good stories, they really do want a great product. Even gave them some good science fiction book tips – Heinlein, Scalzi, etc.
Talked with David Head of FileMaker – he’s from Australia. He’s 2 meters 3 tall (6’8″), about an an inch shorter that Tom from Belgium.
Met the president of FileMaker – Dominique Goupil. Chatted with him for a bit. FileMaker is on a very good track, has a firm vision of where they need to go and what they need to do get there. Dominique is the right man for the job.
I still don’t have all of the vendors on video, but I will get the rest today. And one FileMaker employee, too. Maybe more.
Gotta run, lot’s to learn on the last day…