Connecting FileMaker Pro and MySQL Database with MySQL ODBC driver

Connecting FileMaker Pro and MySQL Database with MySQL ODBC driver
FileMaker Pro is compatible with MySQL databases which makes it possible to merge the system with any other web platform based on PHP/SQL including Word Press?

As the matter of fact, there is a long-lasting partnership between FileMaker Pro and MySQL (Oracle). There are a few extensive tutorials related to this that come with the software, or could be found on:

You can also listen to a very good webinar by Zack Urlocker, that is covering many issues that the readers of this article might be interested in.

However, there are a few things you might have to face that nobody is telling you about when it comes to a real-life situation, and connecting to the WordPress particularily. This article will describe my experience of connecting FileMaker Pro database to MySQL database driving a WordPress website via a MySQL ODBC driver. My goal was to automatically harvest and sort-order data from contact forms so it could be used inside the FileMaker Pro database instantly. I will also include a step by step instruction on how to connect successfully and further integrate it all into a workable system.

“How to Install and Configure a 32bit ODBC driver on a 64 bit Operating System”

via More…Connecting FileMaker Pro and MySQL Database with MySQL ODBC driver | FileMaker Pro Custom Database Development.

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