Architectural Technologist – FileMaker in Architecture – Konstrukshon CPD Weblog
Architectural Technologist – FileMaker in Architecture
I use FileMaker for several reason, the most important being I want to keep a collection of information that’s more or less in the same format, now you might be saying, well why not just stick with Evernote, simple, it will not act the way I want in storing the repetitive data that say a collection of plants requires, or say a billing system needs, and before you say it, yes Vectorworks has a nice and very easy to use database, but it’s very specific to the drawing. There are times when I want to store the simplest of data on my Vectorworks drawing and add a lot more of the same object or item in Filemaker, but it’s not that easy to sync to it’s a bit manual, but it works for me.
Architectural Technologist – FileMaker in Architecture – Konstrukshon CPD Weblog.