Add a Progress Bar to your FileMaker Pro 13 Solutions

A very slick method to integrate a progress bar into you FileMaker Pro 13 solutions.

This method uses the new FileMaker commend, base64Encode, a custom function, and three new fields to add to your solution. Very easy to integrate, and very nice output for your clients!

While developing videos for their FileMaker Pro video course ( … RCC ran into our cool FileMaker Pro 13 progress bar demo file done by Andy Persons that helps you create and integrate a progress bar into your FileMaker Pro 13 solutions.

You can easily add a progress bar to your FileMaker Pro 13 solution by coping and pasting a few fields and a custom function from our demo file… watch the video to learn the tricks to this solution.

Integrate a Progress Bar into your FileMaker Pro 13 Solutions.

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