Thank you for these wonderful on line videos. I have watch part 1 of school attendance but I struggled with the date (showing what is being taught on a particular date) I am using platform Filemaker pro 10 advanced so it may not be possible to get it right your way.
None the less learning by example is far more interesting than reading books.
peter shaw
February 11, 2015 @ 6:46 am
Thank you for these wonderful on line videos. I have watch part 1 of school attendance but I struggled with the date (showing what is being taught on a particular date) I am using platform Filemaker pro 10 advanced so it may not be possible to get it right your way.
None the less learning by example is far more interesting than reading books.
Excellent work.
Don Clark
February 11, 2015 @ 8:42 am
Glad you found it useful, Peter!